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Teaching English in Brazil!
CalEnglish SchoolTeaching English in Brazil!
Starting late July.
CalEnglish is an English language school located in Presidente Prudente, São Paulo Brazil.
Right now there is 1 foreign and 9 Brazilian teachers working with 300+ students.
The student's age range from 4 to 65. (most of them are university students)
The position available is to teach 40 hours per week from Monday to Saturday. Each class lasts one hour and has an average of 6-8 students.
Pay is enough to live in Presidente Prudente and to save some for traveling.
There is a furnished studio (with internet) that teachers can rent out for the time of the contract. The teacher will have a private bedroom and bathroom and will share a kitchen.
The school is looking for a young (21 to 30) enthusiastic and energetic professional, with a university/college degree, TEFL certificate and who is willing to work hard (12 month contract).
At least one year of teaching experience.
The foreign English teacher is responsible for all pre-intermediate to advanced classes and intermediate to advanced private students.
Our methodology involves more conversation than grammar and focuses on teaching the students to learn more vocabulary.
Presidente Prudente is a university town located in Sao Paulo, five hours from Sao Paulo and 12 hours from Rio de Janeiro.
If you are interested in this position please send your resume, passport picture and a reference contact (or letter).
If you are already in Brazil you can call (18) 3908 6361 or come to visit us in Presidente Prudente.
Person to Contact: Cristiane Zagol
E-mail: cris@calenglish.com.br