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Seeking qualified/licensed native-English speaking teachers - Oman, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Teach EruditeSeeking qualified/licensed native-English speaking teachers - Oman, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Seeking qualified/licensed native-English speaking teachers to fill KG, elementary and primary phase teaching roles in Oman, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Salaries range between $2600 - $3 400USD and include:
Free housing single private apartment
2 annual flights
Medical Aid
Gratuity bonus of one month's salary per year
Qualifying applicants can send their resumes to info@eruditeglobal.net or apply through our website at www.eruditeza.com or contact us through our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/eruditeza/ or reach us via Whatsapp on +27 81 481 8979 or via WeChat on Byron_Erudite_Global