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Seeking Qualified Teachers to Teach in Dubai, Abu Dahbi, Ajman and Oman
Teach EruditeSeeking Qualified Teachers to Teach in Dubai, Abu Dahbi, Ajman and Oman
All qualifying candates must be native-Enlgish speaking teachers, with a bachelors degree in education or a BA with subject/teaching specialisation. Job packages are as follows:
Salary: $3000 - $4000USD
Housing: Single private accommodation provided
Medical: Full cover
Flights: Booked upfront
Bonuses: Annual gratuity bonus
We are also seeking principal and vice principal candidates.
All interested applicants please email your CV to byron@eruditeglobal.net or reach us on WhatsApp on +27 81 481 8979 or add us on WeChat on Byron_Erudite_global