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English Language Assistant Wanted For Private Borading School In Germany
Hermann Lietz Schule Schloss Bieberstein
English Language Assistant Wanted For Private Borading School In Germany
The Language Assistant is expected to participate in the school life of Bieberstein, joining one of the “families”, supporting teachers & teaching students aged 14-20. This is a full-time position, meaning 30 hours a week (these are the working hours, not the lessons; in Germany teachers' working hours are roughly twice the amount of lessons they teach, meaning that e.g. 15 lessons a week equal 30 working hours), holidays are to be taken during the official school holidays. School terms start at the end of August, and end in July with holidays in October (2 weeks), at Christmas (2-3 weeks), in February (1 week), at Easter (2 weeks) and Pentecost (1 week).
Duties would cover: sitting in on lessons, teaching small groups/ one-to-one lessons, substituting for other teachers, supervising students (sometimes during the weekends, there is always an extra schedule for weekend duties) in boarding school life (= pastoral care duties), taking over some driving duties (e.g. driving students to doctors' appointments etc.), offering extra-curricular activities.

• excellent command of English (grammar, academic writing, conversational English)
• clean criminal records check
• driving license
• verification that you're vaccinated against measles or are immune
• ability to deal with teenagers and young adults unsupervised
• teaching small groups/ one-on-one sessions
• moderate knowledge of German
• ability and wish to actively participate in boarding school life

• salary: 15 € an hour, minus 300 € for accommodation and food, minus health insurance and taxes/ social security contributions (probably leaving a net income of 1000-1300 €, depending on health insurance, age etc.)
• accommodation
• health care
• free wi-fi on campus
• free school trips as accompanying adult
• school ipad for length of contract
