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ESL Jobs in Greenland Teach English in Greenland

Greenland is a self-governed Danish territory lying between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Though geographically and ethnically an Arctic island nation associated with the continent of North America, politically and historically Greenland is closely tied to Europe. The official languages of Greenland are Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) and Danish, and most of the population speak both of the languages. Greenlandic is spoken by about 50,000 people, some of whom are monolingual. A minority of Danish migrants with no Inuit ancestry speak Danish as their first, or only, language. English is widely spoken as a third language.
ESL is a focus by the Greenland government as this initiative explains: The EL Fellow will assist the host institution, Inerisaavik, in the development of a multi-year English language development plan for teaching English in grades 1-10 throughout all of Greenland; and engage in a number of "mini-projects" to be developed by Inerisaavik and the Fellow and designed to have a direct and immediate impact on improving English teaching and English language skills in grades 1-10. In order to assist Inerisaavik in developing the English language development plan, the Fellow will have to review pre-existing reports, studies, and information on education in Greenland. In addition, the Fellow will need to observe, and perhaps even teach, some classes and to talk to teachers about their concerns and observations. The Fellow will then need to apply his or her knowledge of TEFL to his/her new-acquired knowledge and information about Greenland in order to help Inerisaavik write an English language development plan that is based on facts and research applicable to the learning structure and culture of Greenland. The Fellow will be engaged in a number of "mini projects" to be jointly developed by Inerisaavik and the Fellow and designed to have a direct and immediate impact on improving English teaching and English skills in grades 1-10. The Fellow will conduct periodic travel to live and teach for 1-2 weeks in villages where there is no English teacher. The purpose of such travel would be to assess the usefulness of the concept of a "traveling teacher," which, if effective, could become a feature of the English language development plan. It would be ideal if the Fellow had some experience with Inuit languages and culture.
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