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ESL Jobs in Romania Teach English in Romania

Romania is a country in Southeastern Europe. Romania borders Hungary and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and Moldova to the northeast, and Bulgaria to the south. Romania has a stretch of sea coast along the Black Sea, and the eastern and southern Carpathian Mountains run through its center.
As with the rest of Eastern Europe the 90's saw the opening of the gates allowing Western culture and the English language to flood in. Native English teachers were in great demand and it was fairly easy to pick up any job just by being a native English teacher. While it has quietened down alot since those days, and most places now require some form of TEFL/CELTA qualification and/or experience, there is still a strong demand and a shortage of English teacher teaching in Romania.
Romania is a very cheap place to live. As an English teacher teaching at one of the private institutions in Romania you would be earning in the region of 17 million - 23 million ROL per month ($610-830 USD). Living expenses per month would be around 9.2 million ROL.
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