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ESL Jobs in Hong Kong Teach English in Hong Kong

Contary to most of stereotypes, Hong Kong can be far from crowded, noisy and polluted city many people make it out to be, and provides a fantastic location for any English teacher looking to teach English in Asia. With its rich culture it has alot to give to any teacher who spends enough time there. Hong Kong's landscape is a land of extremes, while you do have the bustling main shopping strips of Mongkok and Tsim Sha Tsui it is not hard to get away from it all to go hiking on one of Hong Kong many country parks, go sailing in the surrounding seas, visit beaches or go socialise with friends ar one of the dai pi dong (small streetside food stall). Also with it's close proximity to China (just over the bridge) and you have the whole of Guangdong province to explore at relative ease (most major cities within 4 hours train/or bus from the main transport terminal in Shenzhen over the border.
Great importance is placed on the learning on English with many people wanting to improve their English for Business purposes. English for a long time was considered the second language in Hong Kong, with parents wanting their children to study it to improves opportunities latrer in life. However since it's handover back to China and with the emergance of China's boomin economy, it would seem that Mandarin has (officially) taken first spot. Which would leave the studying of English as a third language - behind the native Cantonese and Mandarin.
Native English teachers are still in demand in Hong Kong and it is relatively easy to secure a job teaching here, as long as you have a uni degree or TEFL/CELTA certification and/or some teaching experience. Wages are high in Hong Kong for English teachers compared to many other countries in Asia. For a full time job in a language center you can expect from 12,000-16,000 HKD per month (1,600-2,100 USD), teaching in a kindergarten you would earn at the bottom end of this. The best jobs (in terms of wages) are the jobs through the government (i.e. British Council), where wages are around 30-32,000 HKD including housing and board, bear in mind though that these jobs require you to be on campus full time and have significantly higher workloads. International schools are also plentiful in Hong Kong, and teaching positions here pay anywhere from 17,500-30,000 HKD. Living expenses in Hong Kong can be quite low, but the housing shortage means this does not apply for accomodation. Living modestly you could expect to pay 2,200-3,000 HKD for your living expenses, although it would not be difficult to spend 4 times this amount depending on the lifestyle you live.
Hong Kong has all the conforts of home mixed together with the exotic culture of the East making Hong Kong a great place to teach, especially so if you are trying to learn Cantonese.
English teaching jobs in Hong Kong are best arranged from home (as living in Hong Kong is fairly expensive when you first arrive), although finding a job soon after you land in Hong Kong should not be that difficult either. You can search for English teaching posts in Hong Kong in Hong Kong's English published newspaper: The South China Morning Post or else you can check the Government department's website at: www.emb.gov.hk.
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