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ESL Jobs in Macedonia Teach English in Macedonia

he Republic of Macedonia, often referred to as Macedonia, is a landlocked country on the Balkan peninsula in southeastern Europe. It is bordered by Serbia to the north, Albania to the west, Greece to the south, and Bulgaria to the east.
Wages teaching English in Macedonia are fair, and working for a private language school you can expect to make around 7-10.5 EUR per hour (around $10-15USD). Also it is possible to find work on the side to supplement this. While living expenses are not very cheap, you can still save quite a bit of money teaching English in Macedonia if you live modestly.
English teachers in Macedonia are in strong supply, and private language schools are plentiful. Most schools are located in the capital Skopje, but there are others located around the country. The best time to lock for English teaching positions in Macedonia is around July to the start of August.
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