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ESL Jobs in Germany Teach English in Germany

Germany is one of the best places to teach English in Europe. English teachers are in very strong demand and the pay is very high for European standard making saving while teaching English in Germany a real possibility. Germany is a beautiful country, with a very rich history and cultural and can provide a very enjoyable place to spend time teaching.
Wages are up around 20 Euro per hour, with monthly wages around 1,200-2,000 Euros per month. The costs of living in Germany are around 600-1,000 Euros, with living cheaper out of the major cities. Finding jobs may also be easier outside of the major cities where there is more competition from other English teachers. Also teaching in these more remote location will mean very few locals can speak English, but this can be an added bonus if your goal is to teach English in Germany so you can spend time in the country learning about their culture and studying German.
All schools will look to sign contracts for any English teacher worker there, and teachers with EU status will find it difficult and problematic to find jobs and get the appropriate visas. Most schools hire teachers on a casual basis and pay the teachers per hour worked. For this reason it is important to negotiate a minimum guaranteed salary (monthly or weekly) while negotiating the contract.
The best way to find a job directly is to contact the schools directly, by phone - fax - or email. The best place to look for schools are in the yellow pages, they can be search for specific cities/towns on it's website: www.gelbe-seiten.de
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